13 Times Rich Celebs Insulted Or Complained About People Who Make Wayyy Less Money Than Them

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8. In 2022, on her podcast Anything Goes, Emma Chamberlain compared being a self-employed influencer to working a more traditional 9-to-5. She said, “Because you’re an employee of somebody else, mentally, it’s easier for you to disconnect after work so that you can enjoy all of your free time to the fullest without having to think about your job.”

She continued, “Whereas, when you’re self-employed…you never stop thinking about it. You never get to disconnect. You never get to be like, ‘Oh, I’m done for now.’ It is so hard.”

In a Reddit thread about the episode, listeners expressed their frustration with her comments.

it's incredibly mind numbing to listen to a multimillionaire who makes a living recording herself eating hummus telling me how privileged i am to work a 9-5.
it was annoying because she never had a 9-5

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